List of shortcut keys (WebArt designer)

The following are shortcut keys, you can use to get access to menu bar.

Key combination Function
Ctrl + N Creates a new canvas.
Ctrl + O Opens an existing canvas.
Ctrl + S Saves a canvas.
Ctrl + W Saves a canvas with another name.
Ctrl + E Brings up the Save Wizard for Web.
F12 Exits WebArt Designer.
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action.
Ctrl + Y Redoes the last action.
Ctrl + X Cuts a selection.
Ctrl + C Copies a selection.
Ctrl + V Pastes a selection that was cut or copied.
Delete Deletes a selection.
Ctrl + N Creates a new canvas.
Ctrl + O Opens an existing canvas.
Ctrl + S Saves a canvas.
Ctrl + W Saves a canvas with another name.
Ctrl + E Brings up the Save Wizard for Web.
F12 Exits WebArt Designer.
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action.
Ctrl + Y Redoes the last action.
Ctrl + X Cuts a selection.
Ctrl + C Copies a selection.
Ctrl + V Pastes a selection that was cut or copied.
Delete Deletes a selection.
Ctrl + N Creates a new canvas.
Ctrl + O Opens an existing canvas.
Ctrl + S Saves a canvas.
Ctrl + W Saves a canvas with another name.
Ctrl + E Brings up the Save Wizard for Web.
F12 Exits WebArt Designer.
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action.
Ctrl + Y Redoes the last action.
Ctrl + X Cuts a selection.
Ctrl + C Copies a selection.
Ctrl + V Pastes a selection that was cut or copied.
Delete Deletes a selection.
Ctrl + U Creates another instance of the selection.
Ctrl + G Brings up the Paste from File dialog.
Ctrl + A Selects all the contents on the canvas.
Ctrl + D Cancels a selection on the canvas.
Tab Selects the next image or text box on the canvas.
Shift + Tab Selects the previous image or text box on the canvas.
Alt + Enter Brings up the Edit Object dialog.
Ctrl + B Applies the attributes
Ctrl + H Hides objects.
F6 Switches between the Template Gallery, Canvas, and Object Stack.
Alt + F4 Closes the canvas.
Arrow keys Moves the selected object.
Ctrl + Arrow keys Moves the selected objects in specified increments.
Shift + Arrow keys Resizes selected objects.
Shift + Ctrl + Arrow keys Resizes selected objects in larger increments.

Related reference
Accessibility options (WebArt Designer)
