Creating Struts exceptions

A Struts exception is an element defined in a Struts configuration file that specifies how to handle Java exceptions that occur during execution of Struts actions.

To create a Struts exception, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Navigator of the Web perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Web), right-click the name of a project.

  2. Click New > Other > Web > Struts > Struts Exception > Next.

  3. Select a configuration file from the "Configuration file" drop-down menu.

  4. Click Browse and select an exception type.

  5. Type the path name of your exception handler to be created.

  6. Click Browse and select an exception handler class name.

  7. Click one of the following radio buttons to select the exception context:

    • Global

    • Local to action-mapping

  8. Specify a key name for your exception.

  9. Click Finish.


Related concepts

Struts exceptions


Related tasks

Setting preferences for Struts development tools

Related reference
Icons used by the Struts Explorer view
