Testing Struts applications

The WebSphere Test Environment can help you test a Struts-based Web application. Testing a Struts application is basically the same as testing a Web application.

Before you begin this task, you should switch to the Web perspective if you are not already there.

To test your Struts application, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the name of the JSP file that you want to test. Click Run on Server. A "Server selection" window appears.

  2. In the Server type field, click on a WebSphere version, then Test Environment > Finish. This brings up the JSP file for input.

  3. Fill out the required input and submit it.


Related concepts

Struts and model-view-controller design pattern
Struts-based Web applications


Related tasks

Creating well-architected Web applications using Struts
Editing Web application diagrams - overview
Editing Struts configuration files

Related reference
Resolution rules for realizing Web diagram parts
