Packages page

Use this page to specify the properties for each package in the project.

Rootpackage names

Shows the list of the root package names that have been defined for the project.

Rootpackage name

The root name of the package that is to be generated by the bind process. By default, the maximum length of the name is 8 characters. If the database that you are using supports long package names, and if the long package name option has been set on the SQLJ page in the project properties, the maximum length is 128 characters. The digit 1, 2, 3 and 4 is appended to the root name to create the four final package names (one for each isolation level).

Database name

The name of the database to which the profiles in the root package are bound. The list includes the names of the databases that are defined on the Databases page.


The list of parameters for the command that is selected on the Command page, other than url, user, password, and the SQLJ profile name. The parameters that you specify on this page apply only to the selected package.

Profiles in package

Shows the profiles that are associated with the package. To add a profile to the package, click Add Profiles to Package.


Parent topic

Customizing and binding SQLJ profiles (DB2 Universal Database)

Related reference
Command page
Databases page
Package Targets page
db2sqljcustomize - DB2 SQLJ Profile Customizer Command
db2sqljbind - DB2 SQLJ Profile Binder Command