Import and augment an existing Web site
This tutorial is in the format of a movie, and is controlled by a player bar that is like a set of VCR controls. You can pause the movie at any time. You can also advance or rewind the movie using the controls on the player bar.
Other areas of the tutorial are interactive. You will need to follow the directions and work with a simulation of the Workbench that will appear in this window.
When you are ready, begin with Exercise 1: Creating a Web project.
The tutorial Exercises are in the format of a movie. These movies are controlled by a player bar at the bottom of the screen that works like a set of VCR or CD player controls. You can pause, advance, and rewind the movie at any time. When you are finished with an Exercise, you can continue to its accompanying Activity to practice what you learned.
The Activities in this tutorial are interactive versions of the Exercises. You will work through a simulation of the workbench to practice what you learned in the previous Exercise. You will need to click and type Unless you are familiar with the workbench, it is best to complete the Exercise before you do its accompanying Activity.
Time required
The movies in this tutorial last about 15 minutes total, and the interactive components take about 10 total minutes to complete. If you decide to pause a movie and explore the product, the tutorial could take longer to finish.
Modules and learning objectives
There are five separate movies in this tutorial, each with its own set of learning objectives. You should complete these sections in the order provided, and it is best to complete an exercise before you begin its corresponding activity.
- Creating a Web project.
- Importing a Web site.
- Adding the existing Web site pages to the Web Site Navigation.
- Designing a look and feel for the Web site.
- Applying a page template to the Web site.
To close this tutorial, or return to the Tutorials Gallery home, use the toolbar ( ) in the upper right corner.
When you are ready, choose a module to begin.