Adding a group to navigation

Group Web pages in a Web site to create a logical organization or to create reoccurring sets of links in the site pages (for example Header or Footer links).


  1. Create a Web project.

  2. Create a Web site structure.

  3. Group Web pages in a Web site.

To add a group to navigation, refer to the following topics:

When the navigation item is generated, the group label is displayed in the navigation item in front of the group pages. The group label is not displayed as a parent of the group pages. For example, the generated navigation on the Products & services page in the following navigation structure, selecting the group option on the Select link destination page of the Insert Horizontal Bar wizard looks like this:

Example navigation structure.

Example generated navigation.

Tip: If you do not want to display the group label right-click the group and select Navigation > Show in Navigation.


Related tasks

Creating a Web site structure
Adding a group to a Web site
Adding Web pages to a group
Grouping Web pages in a Web site
Deleting a group from a Web site
Removing a group from a Web site