EGL reserved words in V6.0
There are new reserved words in Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) in Rational Web Developer.
The new reserved words are listed here:
- as
- isa
- like
- matches
- money
- openUI
- ref
- self
- string
- this
EGL programs from WebSphere Studio V5.1.x that are imported and built in a V6.0 workspace that use these words as variable or part names will be tagged with the following message:IWN.SYN.2002.e 39/2 Syntax error on input "variableName". You can correct the problem by renaming the variable.
Parent topic
Migrating from WebSphere Studio V5.1, 5.1.1, or 5.1.2
Related concepts
Compatibility with WebSphere Studio V5.1.x
Related tasks
Migrating from WebSphere Studio V5.1, 5.1.1, or 5.1.2