Accessing Rational Unified Process guidance

You can access process guidance content and features directly in the Rational Software Development Platform to guide you and other team members in your software development project. A configuration of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) platform is provided with topics on software development best practices, tool mentors, and other process-related information.

You need to install Rational Application Developer before you can access integrated RUP software features.

Integrated process guidance
You can obtain process guidance with a set of integrated features and content within the Rational Software Development Platform.

Configuring process guidance content
You may want to select a different Rational Unified Process (RUP) Configuration or establish criteria to filter contextual guidance and search results.

Viewing process guidance on elements in models
You can access Rational Unified Process (RUP) guidance while working within the Software Development Platform. The Process Advisor view provides contextual RUP guidance on model elements within diagrams.

Viewing process guidance for roles
You can access the Rational Unified Process (RUP) process view in the Process Browser window to view guidance on roles and other categories of information.

Customizing process guidance
You can customize process guidance in the Process Browser by creating new process views and then adding, deleting, and reorganizing topic nodes.

Printing process topics
You can print Rational Unified Process (RUP) content that is displayed in the right pane of the Process Browser.