Setting up SAP development environments
Rational Developer tools for WPAI access require that you purchase licenses for SAP JCo adapters from the SAP Service Marketplace (See link below).
- Download SAP's JCo adapter directory from SAP at SAP Service Marketplace.
- Click Download Software > Download > SAP Connectors > SAP Java Connector. Based on your operating system, select the appropriate file to download . Extract the contents of the ZIP file into a local directory.
- Complete the following steps according to your operating system. Note: rad_root refers to the installation directory of Rational Developer; for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\RDSP\6.0\.
- For Windows:
- Copy sapjco.jar and sapjcorfc.dll to <rad_root>\portal\eclipse\plugins\\.
- Copy librfc32.dll to c:\windows\system32\.
- You will need to restart Rational Developer with a command line option -clean.
For example: rationalsdp.exe -clean.
- For Linux:
- Copy sapjco.jar and to <rad_root>/portal/eclipse/plugins/
- Add the folder that contains the file to environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- You will need to restart Rational Developer with a command line option -clean.
For example: ./rationalsdp.bin -clean.
Related concepts
SAP data access
Related tasks
Adding SAP service data objects
Creating controls and binding with SAP SDOs