Configuring WebSphere Portal for Siebel data sources

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Install the JCA adapter using the following steps:

  1. Create a new empty directory in your hard drive, referred to as siebel_lib_dir.

  2. Copy the following files from the Siebel server to siebel_lib_dir:

    • SiebelJI_enu.jar

    • SiebelJI_common.jar

  3. Deploy the Siebel JCA adapter in the WebSphere Portal server's root installation directory

    1. Verify that the application server for the administrative console is running.

    2. Point a Web browser to the URL for the administrative console and log in.

    3. Browse the administrative console using the navigation tree. Expand the Resources tab in the navigation tree and click on Resource Adapters.

    4. In the console workspace area, click on Install RAR.

    5. Specify the path and file name of the RAR file by doing one of the following:

      • Entering the path and file name of wpai.siebel.rar which is located in <wps_root>/installableConnectors, where <wps_root> is the installation directory of WebSphere Portal.

      • Clicking Browse to locate the local file.

    6. Select the node on which to install the RAR file. Click Next.

    7. Enter a name for the resource adapter. To make the resource adapter work with the WPAI mediators correctly the name of the resource adapter must be the same as the EIS type, namely "Siebel". Click OK.

    8. Save the configuration changes.

  4. For each Siebel application, define a connection factory for the Siebel JCA adapter.

    1. Click on Resource Adapters in the navigation tree.

    2. Click on the resource adapter you deployed in step 4. (For example: Siebel)

    3. Under Additional Properties, click on J2C Connection Factories. There must be exactly one J2C connection factory created for each connection used to connect to the Siebel server.

    4. Click New.

    5. Enter the following:

      • A name for the connection factory that references the Siebel application, such as Siebel Call Center. The name for the connection factory must be the same as the connection name which was defined in the Siebel wizard.

      • The JNDI binding path. The convention for this value is based on the connection name defined by the Siebel wizard. The name is comprised of the prefix "eis/Siebel/" and the connection name, such as eis/Siebel/mySiebelConnection1. However, you can specify any JNDI binding path as long as it does not conflict with another JNDI path name. If the JNDI binding path names does not follow the naming convention, they must be mapped to the internal JNDI names used by the Siebel portlets. For additional information on mapping resource references for web applications please refer to the related information in the help.

      • Click OK.

      • Click on the connection factory just created.

      • Under Additional Properties, click on Custom Properties.

      • Specify the properties for the Siebel system you want to connect to by selecting the property from the list and entering a value in the entry field:

        • connectString: The connection string used to contact the Siebel server.

          The general format for this value is siebel://[machine name]/[enterprise name]/[object manager]/[server name]. The [object manager] value in the connection string should correspond to that specified in the JNDI binding path. For example, if you are defining a connection factory with a JNDI binding path of eis/siebel/ERMObjMgr, you would specify a connection string like siebel:// For details on the connection string format, refer to the Siebel documentation.

        • jarPath: Enter the value siebel_lib_dir, the directory where you placed the Siebel libraries.

        • traceLevel:Enter the trace level (none=0, error=1, warning=2, debug=3, and entry and exit=4). The default value is 1.

        • fileEncoding: Indicates the Siebel client code page to use to connect to the Siebel server. The default value is iso8859_1

      • Click OK.

      • Repeat the steps to create a connection factory for the remaining Siebel applications.

Upon configuring the JCA resource adapters, you will have to restart the WebSphere Portal server.


Related concepts

SAP data access
Siebel data access


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