Adding Siebel service data objects

These instructions will guide you through the process of connecting to a Siebel source and specifying a data object for use in your application. Note the choices for adding a record versus a record list.

  1. Open a Faces JSP file.

  2. From the Data palette, click on either Siebel record or Siebel record list and drag it to the JSP file. The Create EIS SDO Object wizard will open.

  3. In the Name field, type the name of your data object.

    1. If you are reusing information from a previously created object, check the box labeled "Reuse metadata definition from an existing record or record list"; then enter the name of the input file where this information resides. Note: you will need to have imported the existing metadata file into the workspace before you can select it via the wizard.

  4. Choose the action you would like to use to initialize this record; then click Next. Depending on what type of field each choice will yield the following actions:

    Radio Button Description
    Fill record with existing data from the database If the target Siebel record is an existing record or a list of existing records in the Siebel server, choose this option to have the mediator first retrieve the existing record(s) and populate the SDO data object with the retrieved data.
    Create an empty record in order to create a new row in the database. This option is only available for targeting a Siebel record. It shows as disabled when the SDO data object is targeting a list of Siebel records. Choose this option if the intention of the SDO data object is to create a new Siebel record.

  5. In the Select server connection page, choose a connection from the drop-down menu. If you do not have an existing connection, do the following:

    1. Click Browse.

    2. In the Browse Connections dialogue box, click Add.

    3. In the Create or Edit a Connection dialogue box, enter the values necessary to make a connection to your Siebel database server. To enter the Siebel host information necessary for the Details field, click Assemble.

    4. To set the directory path to the Siebel libraries, click Browse.

    5. Click OK.

    6. In the Browse Connections dialogue box, make sure that your new connection is highlighted; then click OK to return to the Select Siebel Server Connection page.

  6. Once you select a connection, the wizard automatically starts retrieving ALL the defined business objects from the Siebel server. From the list of business objects, expand the object of your choice to reveal the business components. Select a component; then click Next.

  7. In the Select Fields page, select the fields that you want for this component. Click Finish. If the SDO data object is targeting a list of Siebel record, you can use the "Sort" button to specify the field(s) to sort.

An SDO representing the configured Siebel record and other SDOs that represent picklists corresponding to fields in the main SDO will appear in the Page Data view.


Related concepts

Siebel data access


Related tasks

Creating controls and binding with Siebel SDOs