Moving a layout box using a grid

You can use layout boxes to position text and images freely on your Web pages.

To move a layout box that you have created to a precise location, you can use a grid.

  1. To have the top-left corner of the layout box always snapped to the grid when you move the frame, select Window > Preferences from the main menu, and then select the Web Tools > Page Design > Layout category in the Preferences page. Select the Snap layout box to grid check box.

  2. To move a layout box, move the mouse pointer near the boundary of the layout box until the cursor turns into a cross. Then drag the pointer to the position you want to place the layout box. The layout box moves with the top-left corner of the frame snapped to the grid.

  3. To release the snap to grid function, clear the Snap layout box to grid check box in the Preferences page.

  4. To display the grid, click Window > Preferences on the menu bar, and then select the Web Tools > Page Design > Layout category in the Preferences page. Then, select the Show Grid check box. The grid will be displayed on the page you are editing. To hide the grid, clear the Show Grid check box.


Related concepts

Layout boxes


Related tasks

Inserting layout boxes
Changing the stack level of layout boxes