Adding content to a page template
Page templates contain both common and content areas. A common area is a shared area common to all of the pages that use the page template. A content area is an area where you would add information specific to the purpose of the page.
A common area contains page elements such as site banners, company logos, and navigation elements. A content area is an area specific to the particular pages that use the page template. A content area contains page elements such as text and images specific to the particular page.
The following illustrates the difference between the common area and the content area. The IBM Web Site's page template contains both a common area and content area. The header and navigation panel are common to all of the pages in the Web site. The grey area is the content area that is specific to a particular page.
When the page template is applied to a Web page, the content unique to that page appears in the content area.
When you create a page template, the entire template is a common area by default. You must manually add content areas which will hold content that is unique to the pages that are based on the template. When you create a page based on a page template, the common area is read-only and the content area is editable.
You can do the following with areas:
- Edit the common area by editing the page template.
- Add a content area to the page template.
- Add elements to a content area by editing the Web page.
Related concepts
Page templates
Related tasks
Creating a page template
Laying out a page template with tables
Generating Web pages from page templates
Applying or replacing page templates
Applying a page template to a Web site
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