Importing an application client JAR file
Application client projects are deployed as JAR files. You can import an application client project that has been deployed into a JAR file by using the Import wizard.
You can quickly drag and drop an application client JAR file from the Windows Explorer or desktop to the Project Explorer view. The Import wizard will open with appropriate fields already populated. If you drop on an existing EAR, it will be selected as the EAR to bind this application client JAR file.
This process for importing a JAR file is not meant to be a project sharing mechanism. If you want to share projects, see Sharing projects using Project Interchange.
To import an application client JAR file using the wizard:
- In the J2EE perspective, click File > Import > App Client JAR file, then click Next.
- In the Application Client file combination box, enter the location and name of the application client JAR file that you want to import. Click the Browse button to select the JAR file from the file system.
- In the Application Client project combination box, type a new project or select an application client project from the drop-down list. Or, click the New button to launch the New Application Client Project wizard. If you type a new name in this field, the application client project will be created based on the version of the application client JAR file, and it will use the default location. Use the New button to change the J2EE version and the location.
- If you are importing to an existing project, select Overwrite existing resources without warning.
- In the Target server drop-down list, select the application server that you want to target for your development. This selection affects the run time settings by modifying the class path entries for the project.
- Specify whether you want to add the new module to an enterprise application (EAR) project.
- In the EAR project combination box, type a new project name or select an existing enterprise application project from the drop-down list. Or, click the New button to launch the New Enterprise Application Project wizard.
Note: If you type a new EAR project name, the EAR project will be created in the default location with the lowest compatible J2EE version based on the version of the project being created. If you want to specify a different version or a different location for the enterprise application, use the New Enterprise Application Project wizard.
- Click Finish to import the application client JAR file.
Related concepts
J2EE architecture
Application client projects
Client Deployment Descriptor editor
Related tasks
Creating an application client project
Exporting an application client project