Example: Automated Ant deploy

This example program shows a typical automated deployment using the WebSphere Application Server Ant tasks.

This example requires a WebSphere Application Server (v50 or v51 or v60) to be installed and operating on the same machine.

To run the automated Ant deploy example program:

  1. Go to the com.ibm.etools.j2ee.ant directory under your workbench installation (for example, x:/<installdir>/rwd/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.etools.j2ee.ant_*).

  2. Unzip the Example.zip file. This creates an Example directory with subdirectories, including an AdderDeploy folder.

  3. Edit the TestDeploy.bat file in the AdderDeploy folder:

    • Set the variables WASROOT and JACLWASROOT to point to a WebSphere Application Server on the same machine. Be careful when defining these variables, making sure that you use the correct syntax. One value requires back-slashes, while the other requires forward-slashes.

    • Set the variables JACLbaseDir to be the current AdderDeploy directory.

  4. Edit the file dist\AdderEAR-piot.targets to specify what servers and/or clusters are to receive the deployed application:

    • Currently the testURL and TestResponse entries are processed but not actually used

  5. Run TestDeploy.bat. The following must be running:

    • The WebSphere cell Distribution Manager

    • The target server/cluster NodeAgents

Important: This is an Example program only. Do not use it to deploy to production servers.


Parent topic

Working with Ant