WebSphere bindings

Binding information is required by the application server to bind the deployment information specified in the application to a specific instance.

The EJB deployment descriptor editor helps you to define deployment information in an EJB application deployment descriptor for modules that you create in the EJB development environment.

An EJB project's ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml file is used in building an EJB JAR file from a project, and it provides information necessary for deploying an EJB application module to WebSphere Application Server.

Binding information is required by the application server to bind the deployment information specified in the application to a specific instance. For example, it may map a logical name of an external dependency or resource to the actual physical JNDI name of the resource. It also may map security role information to a set of groups or users. IBM extensions are additions to the standard descriptors for J2EE applications, EJB applications, and enterprise beans.

These pages provide controls to set numerous EJB application parameters related to paths, and variables referenced, security, and other general deployment settings. As you specify deployment information, the editor incorporates the appropriate tagging.