Running the EJB deployment tool

You can run the EJB deployment tool either from the workbench or from the command line.

Follow these tasks:

Generating EJB deployment code from the workbench
Before you can successfully run your enterprise beans on either a test or production server, you need to generate deployment code for the enterprise beans.

Running the ejbdeploy command
Running the ejbdeploy command to generate deployment code is a required step in deploying enterprise beans. As part of the generation of deployment code, one or more SQLJ customization profiles will be created. You can then run the DB2 SQLJ profile customizer against the customization profiles to produce static SQL in the database.


Parent topic

Deploying EJB applications using SQLJ for data access
Previous topic: Configuring EJB applications to use SQLJ instead of JDBC for enterprise bean persistence (workbench only)
Next topic: Preliminary steps for running the DB2 SQLJ profile customizer using the Ant script