Create EJB components using UML modeling tools
Time required
To complete this tutorial, you will need approximately two hours. If you decide to explore other facets of creating entity beans using UML modeling tools while working on the tutorial, it could take longer to finish.
In order to complete this tutorial end to end, you should be familiar with the following subjects:
- Java programming
- UML modeling
It will also help if you understand basic concepts about these subjects:
- Relational databases
- Container-managed entity beans
- J2EE architecture
Learning objectives
This tutorial is divided into several exercises that must be completed in sequence for the tutorial to work properly. This tutorial explains basic concepts about creating container-managed entity beans using UML class diagrams. In addition, you will learn how to map enterprise bean fields into relational database definitions, which are used to create the database tables required when the EJB application is put into production. This tutorial does not cover the design and creation of a complete enterprise application, but there are several examples provided in the Samples Gallery (Help > Samples Gallery). This tutorial targets beginners who have never created an EJB component, used UML class diagrams nor used the workbench. Small code snippets will be used to illustrate concepts.
This tutorial consists of these exercises:
- Exercise 1.1 introduces you to the technologies.
- Exercise 1.2 shows you how to set up the required projects in the workbench and how to create a UML class diagram.
- Exercise 1.3 shows you how to populate the class diagram with CMP entity beans and how to define relationships between classes.
- Exercise 1.4 explains top-down database mapping.
- Exercise 1.5 explains the next steps you would take in the EJB creation process.
When you are ready, begin Exercise 1.1: Introduction to the technologies