Inserting Java code to send a message to a JMS queue listener
Use the Snippets view to insert Java code that sends a text message to a JMS queue listener. In many cases, the JMS queue listener is a message-driven bean.
Before you do this step, you should have an application server properly configured with a JMS listener, a message queue, and a connection factory.
The inserted Java code sends a message to the JMS queue listener using the queue connection factory reference and the queue name reference that you provide. You can update the value of the parameter in the setText() method to change the text of the message.
Example snippet insertion for sending a message to a JMS queue listener
Before snippet insertion:
public class Main { public void sendMyMessage() { // insert snippet here } }After snippet insertion, with cursor placed inside sendMyMessage method:
import; import javax.jms.*; import javax.naming.*; public class Main { private final static String STATIC_CONNECTION_FACTORY_REF_NAME = "queueconnectionfactoryreference"; private final static String STATIC_QUEUE_REF_NAME = "queuename"; public void sendMyMessage() { // insert snippet here send_queuenameMessage(); } protected void send_queuenameMessage() { try { QueueConnectionFactory qConnectionFactory = ServiceLocatorManager .lookupQueueConnectionFactory(STATIC_CONNECTION_FACTORY_REF_NAME); Queue queue = ServiceLocatorManager .lookupQueue(STATIC_QUEUE_REF_NAME); QueueConnection qConnection = qConnectionFactory .createQueueConnection(); QueueSession qSession = qConnection.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); QueueSender sender = qSession.createSender(queue); TextMessage message = qSession.createTextMessage(); message.setText("Foo Sample Queue message"); sender.send(message); sender.close(); qSession.close(); qConnection.close(); } catch (JMSException jmse) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block jmse.printStackTrace(); } } }To insert Java code for sending a message to a JMS queue listener:
- In the J2EE perspective, open in the Java editor the Java file where you want to add the code snippet.
- Place your cursor in the point of the Java file where you want to insert the code.
- In the Snippets view, expand the EJB drawer and double-click Send a Message to JMS Queue Listener. The Insert Message-Driven Bean Queue Type Service wizard opens.
- Enter the Provider URL and Name Service Type to locate the resource references for the queue connection factory and queue name. If the client and listener are in the same application server container, you can select Use default context properties for doing a lookup on this reference.
- Click Next.
- Select the resource reference for the queue connection factory. If you have not yet created the reference, click New Queue Connection Factory Reference. The Add Reference wizard opens where you can define your javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory resource reference.
- Click Next.
- Select the resource reference for the queue name. If you have not yet created the reference, click New Queue Name Reference. The Add Reference wizard opens where you can define your javax.jms.Queue resource reference.
- Click Finish.
Note: A serviceLocatorMgr.jar file is added as a utility JAR file to each enterprise application that the Java class you edited belongs to. This serviceLocator.jar file includes a ServiceLocatorManager class that is used within the inserted snippets of Java code. This class optimizes the lookups of the home interfaces and InitialContexts, and ensures that they are only looked up once for the entire application. Because the utility JAR file is added, a Java JAR dependency for the serviceLocator.jar file is added for the module or Java utility project that the Java file belongs to.
The ServiceLocatorManager class has a static method called setErrorHandler(ServiceLocatorErrorHandler handler) that you can use to specify a specific error handler for error conditions that occur when looking up the home interface. The default handler simply calls printStackTrace() on the exception that is handled.
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