(0..*): You can use this tag zero or more times in any Java source file that implements a CMP entity bean.
This tag provides the definition for a session bean façade wrapper for the CMP entity bean. The session bean provides a service interface with methods for Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) of instances of value-objects for the CMP entity bean, using service data objects (SDOs). Clients of the façade work only with SDOs and not the CMP beans themselves.
Parameter Type Applicability Description Mandatory name text All The abstract name of the session façade. The name must be unique to the EJB module, and must be a valid Java identifier. The generated class name will be the name of the façade. A named session-façade tag is considered the “primary” tag. Other session-façade tags which link to the named session-façade using the “match” attribute are considered “secondary” tags.. Either name or match must be present, but not both. match text All The abstract name of a session façade defined in another CMP entity bean class. This provides a mechanism for contributing CRUD for multiple CMP value-objects into a single session façade bean. A session-façade tag cannot contain both a name and match attribute. Either name or match must be present, but not both. value-objects text All A space-delimited list of names of all value-objects defined in the same CMP bean class, to be included in the generated session façade. Either value-objects or queries must have a value. queries text All A space-delimited list of names of all queries defined in the same CMP bean class, to be included in the generated session façade. Either value-objects or queries must have a value. view-type text Primary session-façade only The view type attribute of the session bean. The following values are valid:
- local
- remote
- both
false jndi-name text Primary session-façade only The remote JNDI name of the session bean false local-jndi-name text Primary session-façade only The local JNDI name of the session bean false home-remote-class text Primary session-façade only The home interface for the remote view of the session bean false home-local-class text Primary session-façade only The home interface for the local view of the session bean false interface-remote-class text Primary session-façade only The session bean interface for the remote view of session bean. false interface-local-class text Primary session-façade only The session bean interface for the local view of session bean. false transaction text Primary session-façade only The transaction attribute of the session bean. Valid options are: Container Bean false
Parent topic
Annotations for session facades and SDOs