EJB Assembly


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  1. Create an EJB project
  2. EJB relationships
  3. Create relationships for EJB 2.x beans
  4. Add relationship roles to keys
  5. Define bean relationships
  6. Define container transactions for EJB modules
  7. Define method permissions for EJB modules
  8. Define security roles for EJB modules
  9. Define environment variables
  10. Add client views or interfaces to beans
  11. Add and remove CMP fields
  12. Add finder methods to EJB 2.x beans using EJB QL
  13. Add methods to the home interface
  14. Add a security identity (bean level)
  15. EJB client JAR projects
  16. Create an EJB client JAR project
  17. Removing an EJB client JAR project
  18. EJB Deployment Descriptor editor
  19. Finder methods for CMP entity beans
  20. EJB inheritance
  21. Key classes and key fields
  22. Exclude methods during EJB module assembly
  23. Delete enterprise beans
  24. Demote methods from an interface
  25. Export EJB projects to EJB JAR files
  26. Import an EJB JAR file
  27. Import class files to an EJB project
  28. Work with a bean's client interface methods
  29. Promote methods to an interface







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