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Interface Index
Interface Description
DBAfterListener The event set listener interface for the DBAfter feature.
DBBeforeListener The event set listener interface for the DBBefore feature.

Class Index
Class Description
DBConnectionSpec This bean contains the specifictions for a database connection.
DBEvent All of the methods in the DBBeforeListener and DBAfterListener interfaces pass a DBEvent as a parameter.
DBModify This class allows you to execute an SQL insert, update, or delete in a bean which exposes JDBC 2.0 RowSet functionality and adds its own useful functions.
DBParameterMetaData This class allows you to get and set meta-data about the parameters for a DBSelect, DBProcedureCall, or DBModify bean.
DBProcedureCall This class allows you to call a stored procedure and use any parameters or result sets it returns in a bean which exposes JDBC 2.0 RowSet functionality and adds its own useful functions for managing stored procedure results.
DBSelect This class allows you to execute a query and use its result set in a bean which exposes JDBC 2.0 RowSet functionality and adds its own useful functions for managing a RowSet.
DBSelectMetaData This class allows you to get and set meta-data about a result set produced by a DBSelect or DBProcedureCall bean.
DBStatement This abstract class is the parent for several other classes that expose JDBC 2.0 RowSet functionality.
DBTableModel This class is an adapter that can serve as the model for a JTable and enable it to display the data from a DBSelect bean.

Exception Index
Exception Description
DBException DBException represents exceptions that are raised by classes in package.
DBRuntimeException Thrown when an error is encountered.

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