DTD editor
Use the Create a DTD wizard...
File | New | Other | XML | DTD...to create new DTD. As well, you can also import DTDs from outside the product.
After you have created or imported a DTD, you can open it in the DTD editor (by double-clicking it in the Navigator view), a tool for viewing and editing DTDs. You can use it to perform a variety of tasks such as the following:
- Validate and edit DTDs
- Create, edit, and delete DTD elements, attributes, entities, notations, and comments
Before you can perform any of these tasks, create a DTD and open it in the DTD editor (you can open a DTD in the DTD editor by selecting it in the Navigator view, and clicking Open With > DTD Editor in its pop-up menu). After you open the DTD, you can use the Outline view to create nodes and the Properties view to provide details about the nodes.
In the Outline view, you can either work in default mode (all nodes appear in the order you added them to the DTD in) or group the DTD nodes into the following logical groups: notations, entities, elements, comments, and other, by clicking the Group items logically button.
Parent topic
Editing DTDs
Related tasks
Creating DTDs