DTD Editor


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  1. DTD editor
  2. Document type definition (DTD) - overview
  3. Icons used in the DTD editor
  4. Referential integrity in the DTD editor
  5. Editing an element's content model
  6. Create attributes and attribute lists
  7. Create a comment
  8. Create a new document type definition (DTD)
  9. Create elements
  10. Create entities
  11. Create notations
  12. Editing DTDs
  13. Editing a group
  14. Generating an XML schema from a DTD file
  15. Importing DTDs
  16. Deleting elements, attributes, entities, notations, and comments
  17. Reusing the value of one entity in another entity
  18. Reusing external parameter entities in an element's content model
  19. Reusing internal parameter entities in an attribute name or type
  20. Validating DTDs

