Breakpoints are temporary markers you place in your executable program to tell the debugger to stop your program at a given point. When debugging XSLT, line breakpoints are supported - so, if problems are occurring at a particular line in your program, you can set a breakpoint at that line, and then run your program. Execution stops at the breakpoint before the instruction at that line is executed.
Important: When the debugger is running a program and encounters a breakpoint, it suspends execution of all threads (that is, the application temporarily stops running).When a breakpoint is encountered, execution suspends at the breakpoint before the line is executed, at which point you can see the stack for the thread and check the contents of variables. You can then step over (execute) and see what effect the statement has on the argument or you can choose to skip execution of the statement in question.
With the debugger, setting breakpoints is easily accomplished via click actions or pop-up menus in the source editor. Once set, you can edit breakpoints, and you can disable them so that they do not suspend execution and then, later, enable them again.
Related concepts
XSLT debugger
Related tasks
Using breakpoints
Setting a line breakpoint
Enabling and disabling breakpoints
Removing breakpoints