Stepping into methods

If you are debugging in step-by-step mode, the debugger will stop at every Web object in the application that you are debugging. When a debuggable method is hit, you are prompted with the Step-by-Step dialog box, which indicates the method that is about to be called. To step into the method, select the Step into radio button and then click OK. To skip the method, select the Skip radio button and then click OK.

Stepping into a method will open the appropriate debugger based on the language used to create the Web object. When you skip a method, the Web object will run until the next Web object is reached, which you can step into or skip.

If step-by-step filters are being applied, the debugger will stop at every Web object that is not filtered out. You can set step-by-step filters through the preferences.

You can disable step-by-step mode by default by selecting the Disable step-by-step mode check box in the Step-by-Step Debug dialog box.


Related concepts

Step-by-step debugging


Related tasks

Setting debug preferences
Enabling and disabling step-by-step debug mode
Finding source
Debugging remote server requests