Setting stored procedure debug preferences

Selecting Window > Preferences from the workbench menu bar opens the Preferences dialog box. Stored procedure debug settings specified in this dialog box do not take effect until the start of the next session. In the dialog box, choose Run/Debug > SQL Stored Procedure Debugger to access the following preferences that you can set for debugging procedures:

Table 1. SQL Stored Procedure Debugger Preferences
Preference Explanation
Number of seconds of inactivity before the procedure runs to completion If you stop debugging a procedure for the length of time specified in this field, the debug session will terminate and the procedure will run to completion. The default value of this setting is 300 seconds.
Maximum number of characters reported in large variables This setting controls the maximum number of characters that are displayed for the value of variables in the Variables view. The default value of this setting is 80 characters.
Number of characters per line in Variables View Details Pane This controls the position at which characters will wrap in the Details Pane in the Variables view. Each line of the Details Pane will have the number of characters specified and then wrap to the next line. The default value of this setting is 72 characters.
Commit after running a stored procedure When this check box is selected, database updates resulting from the running stored procedure are committed to the database. As the stored procedure completes, the DB Output view will indicate that changes are committed to the database. When this check box is not selected, database updates are not committed. As the stored procedure completes, the DB Output view will indicate when changes are rolled back (not committed). By default, database updates are committed.


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