Removing breakpoints
From the Breakpoints view, you can delete single breakpoints, multiple breakpoints, or all breakpoints. If you delete a breakpoint, all information on it is lost. If you do not want a breakpoint to stop execution, but want to keep information about the breakpoint, disable the breakpoint instead of deleting it. For information about disabling breakpoints, see the related topic below.
To delete a single breakpoint in the Breakpoints view:
Do one of the following:
- Right-click on the breakpoint you want to delete and select Remove from the pop-up menu.
- Select the breakpoint you want to delete and click the Remove Selected Breakpoints push button in the Breakpoints view or press the Delete key.
The breakpoint disappears from the Breakpoints view. If the breakpoint was a line breakpoint, it also disappears from the editor marker bar.
To delete multiple breakpoints in the Breakpoints view:
- In the Breakpoints view, select the breakpoints you want to delete by left-clicking and using either the Shift keyboard key or the Ctrl keyboard key.
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click the selection of breakpoints and select Remove from the pop-up menu.
- Click the Remove Selected Breakpoints push button in the Breakpoints view.
- The breakpoints disappear from the Breakpoints view. If the breakpoints were line breakpoints, they also disappear from the editor marker bar.
To delete line breakpoints in the editor:
- In the editor marker bar, locate the breakpoint that you want to delete.
- Do one of the following:
- From the breakpoint's marker bar pop-up menu, Remove Breakpoint.
- Double-click the breakpoint's marker bar indicator.
- The breakpoint disappears from the marker bar and from the Breakpoints view.
To delete all breakpoints: in the Breakpoints view, select Remove All from the pop-up menu or click the Remove All Breakpoints push button in the Breakpoints view.
- If you want to delete all breakpoints, keep in mind that the Breakpoints view Remove All Breakpoints actions delete all breakpoints in the entire workbench, not just in the active stored procedure.
- To avoid affecting breakpoints that are not related to your debug session, you can use the filter by debug target action. For information about this action, see the Using Breakpoints topic below.
Related tasks
Using breakpoints
Enabling and disabling breakpoints
Setting a line breakpoint
Setting a variable breakpoint