
This tool mentor describes how to create a new version of a configuration item (check out) and how to make the new version of the configuration item persistent in the configuration management database (check in).

This section provides links to additional information related to this tool mentor.



This tool mentor describes the use of check in and check out with the base ClearCase model and is applicable when running Microsoft Windows.

Tool Steps

To check out and check in configuration items with ClearCase:

  1. Check out the files you want to change
  2. Make changes and perform unit tests to verify the changes
  3. Check in the changes


1. Check out the files you want to change

To Tool Steps

  • Navigate to the ClearCase Explorer. From the Windows task bar, click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearCase > ClearCase Explorer.
  • In ClearCase Explorer, right-click the item or items to check out and select Check Out from the ClearCase context menu.
  • Type your comment in the Check Out dialog box and click OK.


 See the ClearCase manual Developing Software or

ClearCase online Help for more information about checking out files.


2. Make changes and perform unit tests to verify the changes

To Tool Steps

Test the changes you've made to your private copy of the files or directories you've checked out. Once your work is checked in, it's accessible to other team members.


3. Check in the changes

To Tool Steps

  • Navigate to ClearCase Explorer. 
  • In ClearCase Explorer, right-click the item or items to check in and select Check In from the ClearCase context menu.
  • Type your comment in the Check In dialog box and click OK.


 See the ClearCase manual Developing Software or 

  ClearCase online Help for more information about checking in files.

Rational Unified Process  
