The Technical Reviewer role is responsible for contributing feedback to the review process. This role is involved in the category of review that deals with the technical review of project artifacts. This role is responsible for providing timely, appropriate feedback on the project artifacts being reviewed.

Other Relationships:  Extends: Reviewer


Technical Reviewer

Review Requirements
Review Requirements

Review the Architecture
Review the

Review the Design
Review the

Review Code
Review Code



Review Record
Review Record



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Roles organize the responsibility for performing activities and developing artifacts into logical groups. Each role can be assigned to one or more people, and each person can fill one or more roles. When staffing the Technical Reviewer role, you need to consider both the skills required for the role and the different approaches you can take to assigning staff to the role.

Related Information

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This section provides links to additional information related to this role.



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A person playing the Technical Reviewer role needs to have the appropriate skills and knowledge including:

  • Domain knowledge or subjective matter expertise appropriate to the artifact being reviewed
  • Either:

    • the skills required to produce the artifact being reviewed
    • the responsibility for other artifacts, the content of which this artifact is a transformation of or otherwise reflects in some manner.
    • the responsibility for subsequent activities in which this artifact will be consumed

Role assignment approaches

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The Technical Reviewer role is assigned to one or more individuals on a case-by-case basis, according to the artifact(s) being reviewed, the teams involved and the availability of staff members to take part in the review.

Further Reading

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See [MCO97].

Rational Unified Process  
