A person playing any role identified in the Rational Unified Process can, given appropriate access privileges, 'check-in' and 'check-out' product-related artifacts for maintenance in the configuration control system. Any role in RUP may also submit and update change requests within the rules established for the project.


Any Role
Any Role

Submit Change Request
Submit Change



Change Request
Change Request


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Related Information

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This section provides links to additional information related to this role.



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The Any Role can be played by any member of the project team who has been assigned at least one of the other specific roles in RUP. As such, the prerequisite skills required to play this role are the ability to play at least one of the other roles in RUP, and appropriate training or experience in the project environment tools that will be used to perform the Any Role activities.

Role assignment approaches

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The Any Role role will be played by all members of the project team. As such once a project team member has been assigned at least one of the other roles, they will also be assigned this role by default.

Further Reading

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See the references page for further information.

Rational Unified Process  
