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These guidelines focus on developing source code for any of the J2EE components (including applets, application clients, web components, and EJBs).

The resulting J2EE components will be packaged in J2EE Modules during integration. For more information, see Guidelines: Assembling J2EE Modules.


Developing J2EE Source Code

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J2EE source code includes the source code for any of the J2EE components (including applets, application clients, web components, and EJBs), as well as the source code for standard Java classes and Java Beans. Specifically, for J2EE applications, the following Implementation Elements may be produced:

  • Source files (such as JSPs, static HTML files, image files, Java files)
  • Compiled files (Java bytecode files)

Implementing a J2EE component involves fleshing out the design, including interfaces, type definitions, and helper classes. Guidance for this is essentially the same as for design, but the results must be completed to the level where operations are completed, allowing the component to be executed and tested.


Modeling Guidelines

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J2EE implementation modeling can use all the same constructs as in the Design Model, but can also include diagrams that show the implementation of in terms of Implementation Elements (e.g., source .java files, and compiled .class files).

In general, however, most files are not modeled, unless some support is provided by a round-trip engineering tool or some not-so-obvious relationships need to be shown. This is because file relationships are often obvious. There is typically one .java file for each Java interface or class, and one compiled .class file for each .java file. So, modeling these files is not of much interest.

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