The Test Evaluation Summary organizes and presents a summary analysis of the Test Results and key measures of test for review and assessment, typically by key quality stakeholders. In addition, the Test Evaluation Summary may contain a general statement of relative quality and provide recommendations for future test effort. 
Role:  Test Manager 
Optionality/Occurrence:  One or more artifacts. We recommend that you produce at least one per test cycle. 
Templates and Reports: 


UML Representation:  Not applicable.
More Information: 


Input to Activities: 


Output from Activities: 




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The Test Evaluation Summary collects, organizes, and presents the Test Results and key measures of test to enable objective quality evaluation and assessment. The Test Evaluation Summary also presents an interim evaluation from the test team, indicating their assessment of the software against the Evaluation Mission and corresponding recommendations the next test efforts required.



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There are no UML representations for this artifact or its properties.

Property Name 

Brief Description 

Evaluation Report ID  An unique ID used to identify this Test Evaluation Summary report. 
Description  A short description of the contents of the Test Evaluation Summary report, typically giving some high-level indication of complexity and scope. 
Key Findings  An explanation of the key findings of this Test Evaluation Summary report. 
Coverage Analysis   An analysis of the extent or amount of testing that has been performed. 



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One or more Test Evaluation Summaries are created during each test cycle. These activities may occur several times during an iteration.



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The Test Manager role is primarily responsible for this artifact. Those responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing the Test Results, change request statistics, and coverage statistics.
  • Reviewing important Change Request and Issue details.
  • Presenting an accurate and fair assessment of the software based on the defined Evaluation Mission.



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The level of formality and presentation format for this artifact vary widely. Some produce simple text document reports whereas others produce full-fledged presentations. Both formats may be useful to emphasize certain critical test cycles and de-emphasize others.

The Test Evaluation Summary may be enclosed as part of another evaluation document such as the Iteration Assessment or Review Record

Rational Unified Process  
