
The Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Studio offers many tools for creating and customizing HATS applications. You might find, however, that your HATS application requires some additional function that you cannot add using the tools in HATS Studio and IBM Rational Studio. This Programmer's Guide explains several ways that you can extend your HATS application with additional programming.

This Programmer's Guide assumes that you are familiar with basic HATS concepts such as:

If you are not already familiar with any of these topics, refer to the information about them in HATS User's and Administrator's Guide so that you will have the necessary background to make good use of the information in this book. You should also be familiar with using Rational Studio to create J2EE applications.

This Programmer's Guide describes ways to enhance your HATS application by programming. You can:

Code examples

There are code examples throughout this Programmer's Guide. These examples illustrate the use of the objects or APIs introduced in the adjoining sections. The examples might or might not work if you copy them from the book into your application.

There are two longer examples that are not included in the PDF version of this book. The following examples are available in the HTML version:

Use the Rational Studio help system (click Help > Help Contents from HATS Studio, or click Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere HATS 6.0 > Library > Studio Help System to view the documentation without starting HATS Studio) to view these examples.

Using the API documentation

The HATS API reference documentation is useful for many programming tasks. This documentation is provided in the HATS Information Center at Refer to this documentation when you need information about, and examples of, any of the Application Programming Interfaces provided with HATS.