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Use Windows Domain Service Account with Portal

Trying to use Windows Domain Service Account with database transfer for a production portal environment. Lower-level environments use basic sql server auth. Failing. The wkplc_dbdomain.properties file has...


Log file shows wrong ID, with backslash removed...


Summary of workaround...

  1. Execute ConfigEngine validation and transfer commands, using a SQL Server login for our DbUser in wkplc_dbdomain.properties file.

  2. After successful DB transfer, change DB owner to our Microsoft Windows user (the one defined in the J2C authentication alias for data source).


  1. Update the JDBC Driver from version 3.0 to 6.0.

    Driver should support Integrated Authentication

  2. Add the sqljdbc_auth.dll to the java class path for portal by placing the above file in...


  3. Create two local SQL server users...

    portaldbaprd SQL Server User
    ORGSVC-ORG-MYDBSA Windows Service Account. User has admin access on both the portal and database servers.

  4. Create Alias/Mapping of the domain user in SQL Server Management Studio


  5. Validate accounts using DB Visualizer Client

  6. Copy the sqljdbc_xa.dll file from to bin directory of the Microsoft SQL Server host.

  7. Run the xa_install.sql database script on the Microsoft SQL Server

  8. Set the datasource custom property integratedSecurity to true

  9. Set the Authentication Alias for XA Recovery to your alias. Set Component Managed Authentication Alias to none

  10. Configure XA transactions

  11. Stop all JVM's

  12. Edit the Windows services and change the Log On As to a user which has admin access on both the portal and database servers.

  13. Run the validate DB ConfigEngine task.

    wkplc_dbdomain.properties should have the SQL Server user.

  14. Perform DB transfer

  15. Save changes to master repository and synchronize changes to nodes

  16. Test data source connection

  17. Restart the portal server