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Create presentation templates in WebDAV

With WebDAV we can create and maintain presentation templates to define the layout and appearance characteristics of Web pages used to display content. We can also create nested image components for use with the presentation templates. Presentation templates are stored in a folder with nested image components in an associated folder.

All presentation templates for a given library are listed under the presentationTemplates folder for that library. Because they are data-oriented items, presentation templates are represented as files and meta-data folders. Nested image components are stored in a folder named after its associated presentation template–for example, template_name_files.

   - wcm.library.my_library
       - presentationTemplates
          - meta-data
              - wcm.presentationTemplate.template1.html
              - wcm.presentationTemplate.myTemplate.html
          - template1.html_files
          - myTemplate.html_files

  1. To create presentation templates for the library, drag one or more files into the presentationTemplates folder. When creating a new presentation template in this way, the object's file name is used as the name and title of the new template, and the file's content is stored as the template's data. In addition the user authenticated with the WebDAV client is specified as the author and owner of the new template.

    Important: Placing an incompatible file into the presentationTemplates folder (for example, a JPEG file) can cause errors during template creation and might result in an unusable presentation template.

    Delete presentation templates: To delete a presentation template simply delete the corresponding file. If the presentation template is being referenced by another item, such as a site area, it cannot be deleted until you have first removed the corresponding references using the authoring portlet.

    Update presentation templates: To update an existing presentation template, we can simply replace the corresponding file in the WebDAV tree with a new file that has the same name. For example we can place myTemplate.html into the presentationTemplates folder, replacing the myTemplate.html file that is already there, and the presentation template will automatically be updated with the new file's content. If you place a file with a different name, a new template with that name is created.

  2. Create any nested image components for the presentation template by adding the image files to the template_name_files folder for the template. For example, if the template is template1.html, we would add the image files to the template1.html_files folder.

    When we add an image to the nested components folder, a temporary image is created initially, and the image is only permanently added to the list of nested components when a reference to that image is added to the presentation template's HTML code. This is done to prevent orphaned components within the presentation template.

  3. If you have added a nested image component, update the presentation template's HTML code to reference the component according to the relative WebDAV path to the component. For example, to reference a nested image component, we would update the template1.html file with the following code:
    <img src="./template1.html_files/nestedImage.jpg" border="0" />

    To reference a standard image component, we would use HTML code similar to the following example:

    <img src="../components/wcm.comps.image/test2.jpg" border="0" />

Parent: WebDAV