Manage content with site areas in WebDAV
Site areas are used to organize content items in the Web content system. In WebDAV site areas are represented as folders, and we can set up the site structure by creating and nesting folders. A content items within a site area is represented as a folder containing the metadata and access control settings for the content item.
All site areas and content items for a given library are listed under the sites folder for that library.
sites - wcm.siteArea.siteArea1 - meta-data access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml - wcm.siteArea.siteArea1.1 - meta-data access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml - wcm.content.content1.1.1 - meta-data access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml - wcm.siteArea.siteArea1.2 - meta-data access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml access-control.xmlSupport for content items is limited to modifying the metadata and access control settings. We cannot create or delete content items using WebDAV.
To create a new site area for the library, create a new folder using with the wcm.siteArea prefix.
Important: Some WebDAV clients create a folder with a default name, such as New Folder, and as soon as you enter the name of the new folder, the client sends a request to rename the already created folder. Because site area folders require a corresponding prefix for creation, this client behavior does not work. If the WebDAV client uses this method to create new folders, we can first create the new site area folder locally and then copy it into the WebDAV tree.
Delete site areas: To delete site areas simply delete the corresponding folder. Note that site areas containing site areas or content items cannot be deleted until you have also first deleted the child items. To delete child content items before deleting a site area, use the authoring portlet rather than WebDAV.
Parent: WebDAV