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Social media certificates

To communicate to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, your server requires the SSL certificates for these social networks to be installed. When these certificates expire, we must refresh them on the server by removing then and adding them again.

To view a list of current certificates for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter...

    cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
    ./ConfigEngine.sh action-list-wcm-social-certs

To remove all current certificates for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter...

    cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
    ./ConfigEngine.sh action-remove-wcm-social-certs

To install the certificates for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter...

    cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
    ./ConfigEngine.sh action-install-wcm-social-certs

If the server is located behind a firewall, we might need to manually import these certificates.

    Facebook graph.facebook.com
    LinkedIn api.linkedin.com
    Twitter api.twitter.com

SSL port 443 is the default SSL port for these certificates.

Parent topic: Social Media Publisher