Configure a multilingual system
After installing the multilingual extensions, configure the system to support multilingual authoring and rendering.
- Log into WebSphere Portal as an administrator.
- Create a new group for the locale owners:
- Go to the administration menu by clicking the Administration menu icon in the toolbar.
- Then, click Access > Users and Groups
- Create a new group for the locale owners. For example: Locale Owners. The base locale owner must belong to this group.
- Modify the security of the MLConfiguration_v7 library:
- Go to the administration menu by clicking the Administration menu icon in the toolbar.
- Then, click Portal Content > Web Content Libraries.
- Assign the Locale Owners group to the Editor role on the library.
- Assign the Locale Owners group to the Contributor role on the library.
- This is an optional step. To hide all sections in the authoring portlet, except the content and component views, disable inheritance for all item types except content and components.
- Assign the Administrators group to the Administrators role on the library and all item types.
- Run the Update Member Fixer tool by running the following command from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine directory:
- Windows
- ConfigEngine.bat run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer -DPortalAdminId=username -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasUserId=username -DWasPassword=foo -Dlibrary=MLConfiguration_v7 -Dfix=true -DinvalidDn=update -DmismatchedId=update -DaltDn=update
- Linux
- ./ run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer -DPortalAdminId=username -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasUserId=username -DWasPassword=foo -Dlibrary=MLConfiguration_v7 -Dfix=true -DinvalidDn=update -DmismatchedId=update -DaltDn=update
- Go to the authoring portlet and update the Configuration settings to add the MLConfiguration_v7 library to the list of selected libraries.
- Create multilingual configuration file for each set of localized or regionalized libraries.
- From the authoring portlet, create a new content item:
- use the LocalizedConfigurationFileAT content template from the MLConfiguration_v7 library for localized sites.
- use the RegionalizedConfigurationFileAT content template from the MLConfiguration_v7 library for regionalized sites.
- Type a name and display title to represent the set of multilingual sites.
- Complete the following fields:
- Base Content Library
- Type the name of the library used to store items from the default locale, or leave the field blank to indicate that no base locale is used.
- Content Libraries
- Type the names of all the libraries in the multilingual system, including the base content library, separated by commas. This list must not include any shared design libraries. The order the libraries are entered in this field determines the output of the render-time and edit-time extensions, so IBM recommends to place the base content library first then add the remaining libraries in the order that we want them to be displayed.
- Has Regionalizations
- Used for localized sites only, this setting determines whether any of the localized sites have associated regionalized versions. Change this setting to true if any regionalized sites are associated with the current set of libraries.
- Content Library Owners
- For each library listed in the Content Libraries field, specify the library name and email address of the user who will be the owner for that library, placing each entry on a new line. For example:
Site Type Language Tree Libraries Configuration files Localized site
- English
- Spanish
- English
- Spanish
- Localized Configuration file
- Base Content Library: English
- Content Libraries: English, Spanish
Regionalized site
- English
- English US (Primary)
- English Australia
- Spanish
- Spanish Spain (Primary)
- Spanish Mexico
- English
- English US
- English Australia
- Spanish
- Spanish Spain
- Spanish Mexico
- Localized Configuration file
- Base Content Library: English
- Content Libraries: English, Spanish
- Regionalized Configuration file 1 (English)
- Base Content Library: English
- Content Libraries: English, English US, English Australia
- Regionalized Configuration file 2 (Spanish)
- Base Content Library: Spanish
- Content Libraries: Spanish, Spanish Spain, Spanish Mexico
- For each library referenced in each multilingual configuration file, create a link component directly under the Components folder that references the multilingual configuration file:
- For references to a localized multilingual configuration file, the link component name must be MLConfFileReference.
- For references to a regionalized multilingual configuration file, the link component name must be RegionalizedMLConfFileReference.
- The ALL_USERS group must be assigned to the User role in the component access controls.
- This step is optional. Activate email notifications for the workflow synchronization extensions:
- Open a multilingual configuration file from the MLConfiguration_v7 library.
- Update the following settings in the General Workflow Synchronization Settings section:
- emailServer
- Type the name of the email server.
- emailFromAddress
- The email address that is entered here is used to set the "From" address on all email notifications. This field must be set to a valid email address.
- authoringUIURL
- Type the URL of the Authoring server. For example, http://localhost:10045/wps/myportal/wcmAuthoring
- Enable email notifications for each multilingual extension:
- Localized Sites
- Set the localize.emailNotificationsEnabled field in the Localize Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- Regionalized Sites
- Set the regionalize.emailNotificationsEnabled field in the Regionalize Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- Synchronized publishing
- Set the SyncPublish.emailNotificationsEnabled field in the SyncPublish Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- Synchronized expiration
- Set the SyncExpire.emailNotificationsEnabled field in the SyncExpire Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- Synchronized deletion
- Set the SyncDelete.emailNotificationsEnabled field in the SyncDelete Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- This step is optional. To enable project integration for synchronized publishing, set the SyncPublish.useProjects field in the SyncPublish Workflow Synchronization Settings section to true.
- Enable syndication for the MLConfiguration_v7 library.
The multilingual solution must be installed on both the syndicator and subscriber before syndication can be enabled.