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Capacity planning for multilingual sites

When using the multilingual extensions to automate the creation and publishing of translations, it is important to consider the additional load placed on the authoring server in comparison with single language websites.

The workload imposed by each additional language can be considered equivalent to that imposed by an additional set of authoring users. So if we have 50 users supporting a single language website, then adding 4 additional languages is equivalent to having 250 users creating and publishing individual content items.

  • When synchronized publishing is required, enabling project integration is recommended as this greatly reduces the load generated by this function.

  • To further reduce the load the multilingual extensions generate, the following settings can be modified in each configuration file, with higher values reducing the load:

      Localize / Regionalize Workflow Synchronization Settings


        Delay in milliseconds between processing each item. Defaults to 100 milliseconds.


        Delay in milliseconds between processing each item. Defaults to 100 milliseconds.

      SyncPublish Workflow Synchronization Settings

      This is required only for the legacy synchronized publishing implementation where project publishing synchronization is not used.


        Delay in milliseconds between processing each item. Defaults to 2000 milliseconds.


        Specifies the interval in seconds to reschedule the action if documents are outstanding. Defaults to 300 seconds.

      SyncExpire Workflow Synchronization Settings


        Delay in milliseconds between processing each item. Defaults to 2000 milliseconds.


        Specifies the interval in seconds to reschedule the action if documents are outstanding. Defaults to 300 seconds.

      SyncDelete Workflow Synchronization Settings


        Delay in milliseconds between processing each item. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds.

Parent Deployment, installation, and configuration