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Label a set of items in a library

We can apply a label to the most recent versions of all items in a library. This action does not create a version, it updates the label of the most recent version. If we created a label, at a later time we can restore items in the library based on that label. We can label only one set of items at a time. We cannot run a second label request until the first request is completed. If we are labeling many items, this action can take some time.

We must be an Administrator to work with web content libraries.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon in the toolbar.

  2. Click Portal Content > Web Content Libraries.

  3. Click Additional Tasks on the library to label.

  4. Click Label.

  5. Type a label.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Additional Tasks and then View Report to open a list of library label reports.

  8. Click the latest report to review labeled items.

Parent Web content library management