
Search Tips   |   Advanced Search

Create a search results design

The search element is used to define the design used to display search results.

  1. Select a search service.

  2. Select a search collection.

  3. Specify paging options for the search element.

    1. Enter the number of items displayed in each navigator page.

    2. Enter the number of the page to display first.

    3. Enter the maximum number of results pages to be included in the navigator design.

    4. Enter the number of results pages to read ahead when using a page navigation element. For example, if we enter 3, the page navigation element calculates results up to 3 pages ahead of the current page. Increasing this number improves the accuracy of the page navigation element. Lowering this number imrpves the performance of the page navigation element when rendered.

  4. Select how to sort the search results.

  5. Enter HTML, text, and tags into the component design fields to set the layout of the search results:

      Header, separator and footer:
      The code entered in the header designs and the footer designs will appear before and after the displayed search results. The code entered into the separator appears between each displayed search result.

      The search results are displayed here. To display the search results as hyperlinks, include a placeholder in the search result layout. The simplest way to create a result layout is to use the "namelink" placeholder.

      No Results:
      Enter text to display if no results are returned.

Parent Create a search component

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Next topic: Search component properties

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