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Create a page information tag

Use the page information tag to display page navigation details in the design of a page navigation element.

The format of a page information tag:

    [PageInfo value=" " knowntext=" " unknowntext=" " start=" " end=" " ]

To create a page information tag:

  1. Click "Insert a Tag" from the page navigation element design field. The Tag Helper dialog opens.

  2. Select Page Information as the tag type.

  3. Select a page information value:

    • currentPage
    • totalPages
    • firstItemOnPage
    • lastItemOnPage
    • totalItems
    • itemsPerPage
    • unknownPages

    The value "unknownPages" is used to display different text when the total number of pages are either known or unknown. When used we must also use the "knowntext" and "unknowntext" parameters.

  4. Click OK to add the tag to your design.

What to do next

Once we have added the tag to the design, we can also add the following parameters to the tag:

    Tag parameters Details
    knowntext=" "
    unknowntext=" "
    These parameters are used when value="unknownPages"...

      [PageInfo value="unknownPages" knowntext="of" unknowntext="of at least" ]

    This could be used with other PageInfo tags to render the following:

    • When the total number of pages are known: "Page 2 of 5."
    • When the total number of pages are unknown: "Page 2 of at least 5."

    start=" "
    end=" "
    The start and end attributes are used to wrap the data returned by a tag within other tags, such as HTML. These attributes are not mandatory.

Parent Create web content tags

Related concepts:

Page navigation design example

Related tasks:

Create a page navigation component