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Entering HTML

Use the HTML element to store some HTML.


Any combination of web content tags can be used in HTML elements with the following exceptions:

  1. We cannot use single quotes around attribute values.

    • [Component name='example']

    • [Component name='example' start='<a href="' end=' ">link</a>']

    • [Component name='example' start='<img src="' end=' "/>']

  2. We cannot use double quotes inside attribute values.

    • [Component name="example" start="<a href="" end="">link</a>"]

    • [Component name="example" start="<img src="" end=""/>"]

Parent Create an HTML component

Previous topic: Set a location for the HTML component

Next topic: HTML component properties

Related tasks:

Insert an image in an element
Insert a link in an element
Insert element tags
Create web content tags