Authoring Templates - Define display settings of fields and elements
Define the display properties of field and elements displayed on a content form. Different field and element types have different display properties.
- To hide an entire section in a content form from all users, select Hide Section. We must specify a default value in any required fields within the section to use this option.
- Click
to open the display properties of a field or element. The following field properties can be set. Different field and element types have different display properties.
- To display a field or element as a required field select Identify this as a required field. Users must complete this field or element.
- To hide a field on the content form from all users select Hide field. We must specify a default value if the field is a required field.
Administrators can choose to display hidden fields and elements in a content item by clicking Show hidden fields.
- Type the number of characters to use in Field Width to set the size of the displayed field. If we leave this field blank, the default field size is used.
- Type a number into the maximum or minimum characters or words fields to set limits on the number of characters or words a user can enter in a field.
- To change the label of a field or element, enter a name Field label.
If we have created a text provider plug-in for a multi-locale site, we can also select the text provider and enter a key to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays different field labels for each language it has been configured for. The text entered in the field label is only used if an appropriate text label is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.
- Type field-specific help into Field help text. This displays with the field or element in the content form.
If we have created a text provider plug-in for a multi-locale site, we can also select the text provider and enter a key to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays different help text for each language it has been configured for. The text entered in the Field help field is only used if an appropriate help text is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.
- The content of some fields can automatically be generated, such as the Name and Display title fields by selecting Generate. The field is no longer editable.
- When selected in the Name field, a numeric name is automatically generated.
- When selected in other fields we also select the field or element to use to generate the content of the field, as well as other options such as field size.
- Select the users or groups to grant edit access to a field or element by clicking Add Editors.
- Select the users or groups to grant view access to a field or element by clicking Add Viewers.
- We can restrict the range of dates and times that users can select in date and time fields by selecting a start and end date or time. You either select a specific date, or select the number of days, hours or minutes after the creation date to begin the range, or the number of days, hours or minutes after the start date to end the range.
- You restrict the items available to be selected on fields such as "Select Categories" or "Select Workflows" by selecting the items we want a user to select from. We can also restrict a user to select a single item.
- We can choose not to use workflows for items created using an authoring template by selecting Dis able workflows for items using this authoring template in the workflow properties view. Selecting this option also disables the workflow section on item forms. Users are instead able to directly create drafts instead of progressing an item through a workflow.
- We can restrict the maximum and minimum sizes of files added to a file resource element. We can also restrict the mime type of files that can be added to file resource elements. We add multiple mime types separated by a space.
- A "custom JSP" field is available on some element types. We use this field to reference a JSP file to use instead of the default element view in the user interface. We can write JSP to control the look and feel of an element, and to restrict the values that can be entered into an element.
When referencing the JSP file we can also specify whether the JSP is to be used in read or edit mode. For example:
- readMode=/jsp/html/CustomJSP_ReadMode.jsp, editMode=/jsp/html/CustomJSP_EditMode.jsp
Storing JSP Files:
When referencing a JSP file in the custom JSP field of the element properties view, use the following formats.
- When located within the ilwwcm.war directory of the server use this format:
JSP files are stored within a web application that runs on the portal. To reference a JSP file in another web application, use the following path: contextPath;jspPath. For example: /wps/customapplication;/jsp/jspFilename.jsp.
A dynamic context path value can be defined by adding a token to the context path that corresponds to a key and value pair to the WCM configuration service environment provider. When this key is used as the token in the jsp value field, it is replaced dynamically at render time. For example: [my.custom.key];myfile where my.custom.key is a constant within the WCM configuration service.
- When located within any other web application running on portal:
- contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application. For example: /wps/customapplication;/jsp/editor.jsp
- jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- editmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application.
- editmode=jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- readmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies a read mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application.
- readmode=jspPath
- Specifies a read mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- readmode=contextPath;jspPath,editmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode and read mode version of the field where the JSPs are located in another application.
- readmode=jspPath,editmode=jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode and read mode version of the field where the JSPs are located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- We can edit the default behavior of rich text elements.
- Use stylesheet, hide fonts/size/color
- Select this option if we want the text style to be determined by a style sheet. Content creators will not be able to edit text properties such as fonts style, text size, and text color.
- Limit image picker to library images
- Prevent content creators from inserting images from the file system. They will only be able to select images stored as image components.
- Dis able source mode
- Prevent content creators from viewing the rich text editor in source mode.
- Filter active content on save
- Prevent users from saving active content, such as scripts, in the rich text element.
- We can also select to use either the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet, or a third-party rich text editor as the rich text editor for a rich text element:
- Portlet default editor
- The default rich text editor of the current authoring portlet is used. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor is used.
- Custom
Use a 3rd-party rich text editor as the default editor. Before using a compatible third-party rich text editor, we should read the installation and configuration instructions of the third-party rich text editor. These should include instructions for enabling the third-party rich text editor to be used in a Web Content Manager solution.
When configuring a third-party rich text editor, we need to copy a JSP file supplied by the third-party rich text editor. This file is used to launch the third-party rich text editor. You enter the name of this JSP file in the Rich Text Options section of the authoring portlet configuration.
If the third-party rich text editor is not available, the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet is used. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor is used.
When referencing a JSP file in the custom JSP field of the element properties view, use the following formats.
- When located within the ilwwcm.war directory of the server use this format:
The JSP page is also stored in the client war directory of the local rendering portlet or of the servlet or portlet that calls the JSP, if using the WCM API. For example, to render a JSP page on a local rendering portlet, we would also need to store a copy of the JSP file under APPSERVER_ROOT/installedApps/node-name/PA_WCMLocalRendering.ear/ilwwcm-localrende.war
- When located within any other web application running on portal:
- contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application. For example: /wps/customapplication;/jsp/editor.jsp
- jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- editmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application.
- editmode=jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- readmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies a read mode version of the field where the JSP is located in another application.
- readmode=jspPath
- Specifies a read mode version of the field where the JSP is located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- readmode=contextPath;jspPath,editmode=contextPath;jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode and read mode version of the field where the JSPs are located in another application.
- readmode=jspPath,editmode=jspPath
- Specifies an edit mode and read mode version of the field where the JSPs are located in same application as Web Content Manager.
- Click Done to close the properties view.
What to do next
Use the reset and apply button:
When editing display properties, click the Reset button to return the display properties to the values entered the last time the authoring template was saved.
Click Apply to apply values entered in the properties fields. For example, apply the width of the field to the value entered in "field width" field.
Parent Create authoring templates