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Web content viewers

Web content viewer portlets that render content from a web content library as part of a portal page. If the presentation is simple, a single viewer can be sufficient. To provide a richer experience for the users, use multiple viewers to aggregate content from different libraries.

When we add a web content viewer to a web content page, the viewer locates the content to be rendered by evaluating several pieces of information:

When determining which content to render, a web content viewer checks first for a render parameter on the request. If no parameter exists, the viewer evaluates its own portlet configuration and any content association the page containing the viewer.

References to content can be direct or relative:

Depending on how you reference content, we can create web content viewers and web content pages that are as specific or generic as you require.

Create content with web content viewers

When added to a page, a viewer can create a copy of the content identified in the portlet configuration. This feature provides several advantages:

Web content viewers configured to create content can be used multiple times, either on the same page or on different pages. Each instance of the viewer references a separate copy of the content item referenced in the portlet configuration. Copied content is stored in the site area identified by the default content association of the current page. In addition, the portlet configuration of the newly added viewer is automatically updated to specify a relative path to the copied content.

Link web content viewers

Many web content viewers can be added to a single portal page or a series of pages. Sometimes it is necessary for different web content viewers to interact with each other. For example, a menu component might be placed in one viewer and a content item in another viewer. The content item to change when a different link is clicked in the menu, link the two viewers.

Web content viewers can broadcast or receive links:

For examples of the different ways that we can use linking with web content viewers, see Link examples for web content viewers.

Web content viewers and remote servers

To display web content on a portal that does not include Web Content Manager, we can use web content viewer and WSRP.

Parent: Get started with delivering web content on a portal page


  1. Work with web content pages
  2. Perform remote rendering with WSRP and the web content viewer
  3. Link examples for web content viewers