Portlet settings
The Portlet Settings section defines additional settings for the web content viewer, such as the title of the portlet to display or whether the markup of the web content viewer is cached in the portlet fragment cache.
Portlet Display Title
We can set the portlet title displayed for the web content viewer as part of the portlet window for this instance of the portlet.
- Select Use default title to display the title that was set for the portlet in the portal administration.
- Select Set the following title, and enter a portlet title to be used for all languages. If we leave the input field empty, the default title is used. To explicitly set the title to be empty, we must enter a blank.
- Select Select from resource bundle, and enter the fully qualified name of the Java resource bundle used to set the title, depending on the user's language (for example, com.mycompany.myapplication.myresourcebundlename).
The structure of the resource bundle must follow the specification defined by the Java java.lang.ResourceBundle class. The key used to look up the title in the resource bundle is javax.portlet.title.
The resource bundle must be located in a directory that is part of the classpath of the web content viewer. The preferred way to do this is to create a new shared library containing the custom resource bundle files using the WAS administrative console. Creating a new shared library containing the resource bundle allows a clean separation of the custom resource bundle code from the base WebSphere Portal code. After creating a shared library, add it to the classpath of WebSphere Portal application server classloader.
- Select Select from content to use the value of the Display title field for the content item displayed by the portlet.
If the web content viewer renders a site area, the title used is the display title of the site area itself and not the title of the default content of the site area.
- Select Select from element, and enter the name of an element of the content item the rendering portlet displays. The rendering portlet then uses the value of the element to set the title. The element must be of type Text or Short Text. If it has a different type or does not exist for the content item the rendering portlet displays, the rendering portlet uses the default title of the portlet.
Page Display Title
We can set the page title that is part of the page header and that is normally displayed by the browser window's title bar. If more than one portlet on the same page tries to set the page title, only one of these titles is taken.
- Select Use default title to display the title that was set for the page in the administration Manage Pages portlet.
- Select Set the following title, and enter a page title to be used for all languages. If we leave the input field empty, the default title is used. To explicitly set the title to be empty, we must enter a blank.
- Select Select from resource bundle, and enter the fully qualified name of the Java resource bundle used to set the page title, depending on the user's language (for example, com.mycompany.myapplication.myresourcebundlename).
The structure of the resource bundle must follow the specification defined by the Java java.lang.ResourceBundle class. The key used to look up the title in the resource bundle is com.ibm.portal.page.title.
The resource bundle must be located in a directory that is part of the classpath of the web content viewer. The preferred way to do this is to create a new shared library containing the custom resource bundle files using the WAS administrative console. Creating a new shared library containing the resource bundle allows a clean separation of the custom resource bundle code from the base WebSphere Portal code. After creating a shared library, add it to the classpath of WebSphere Portal application server classloader.
- Select Select from content to display the Display title of the currently rendered content.
If the web content viewer renders a site area, the title used is the display title of the site area itself and not the title of the default content of the site area.
- Select Select from element, and enter the name of an element of the content item the rendering portlet displays. The rendering portlet then uses the value of the element to set the title. The element must be of type Text or Short Text. If it has a different type or does not exist for the content item the rendering portlet displays, the rendering portlet uses the default title of the page.
Portlet Cache Options
Define whether the output of the web content viewer is cached in the portlet fragment cache. The cache scope determines where the content will be cached. There are two types of caching:
- Shared cache across users
- This type of cache provides the biggest performance improvement as it caches the output of the portlet across users. Use this cache scope only for web content viewers that render web content that is not personalized.
- Non-shared cache for a single user
- This type of cache provides a smaller performance improvement but enables caching of personalized web content displayed by the web content viewer.
The cache expiration time determines how long the page is stored in a portlet fragment cache. There are three settings for cache expiration:
- Cache always expires
- Content is never cached in either a shared or a private portlet cache.
- Cache never expires
- Content can be stored indefinitely in either a shared or a private portlet cache.
- Cache expires after this many seconds
- Content is stored for the number of seconds specified in either a shared or a private portlet cache.
To cache the markup output of the web content viewer, the portlet fragment cache must be enabled. The WebSphere Portal documentation contains more information about the caching of portlet output and explains how to enable the portlet fragment cache.
Locked settings
We can lock settings in the Configure mode of the viewer. When a setting is locked, a lock icon is displayed in the Edit Shared Settings mode of the viewer, and no Edit link is available.