Member fixer with syndication
We can configure the system to automatically run the member fixer tool when syndicating. The member fixer is run on the subscriber during syndication. It is run against items that have just been syndicated. Details of the member fixer operations are included in the syndication report.
To run the member fixer during syndication, add or update the following properties in the WCM WCMConfigService service using the WAS Console:
Parameter Details deployment.fixMembers To enable member fixing during syndication, set true. syndication.memberfixer.altDn To update references to nonexistent users or groups with the portal administrator user distinguished name, set to update. To remove references to nonexistent users or groups, set to remove. syndication.memberfixer.invalidDn To update references to users or groups that have invalid distinguished names with the portal administrator user distinguished name, set to update. To remove references to users or groups that have invalid distinguished names, set remove. syndication.memberfixer.mismatchid To fix references to users and groups with mismatched unique IDs, set update. To remove references to users and groups with mismatched unique IDs, set to remove. syndication.memberfixer.fixCase Define how to treat case differences when updating or fixing distinguished names. To leave the case unchanged, set to update. To convert the case to lowercase, set to lower. syndication.memberfixer.realm In a federated security environment with multiple realms, specify the name of the realm to run the member fixer against. syndication.memberfixer.norealmdn In a federated security environment with multiple realms, check whether there are any users and groups referenced in items not under any of the base distinguished names defined for the realm, and fix these references. To enable, set to true. The Member fixer, when run automatically via Syndication, preserves the dates of the updated items.