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Site analytics data plug-in

Use the AnalyticsData rendering plug-in tag to inject microformats for Active Site Analytics into the web content.

The microformats gather information about the content items that are rendered on the portal pages. We can insert more than one tag into the content.

Add the AnalyticsData plug-in tag to the content or presentation template design. Each tag can contain only one attribute. Use the following syntax:

To select a value used in the microformat for Active Site Analytics, use one of the following attributes:

In a single reference to a tag, we can use only one of the previous attributes. To use more than one attribute, add another reference to the tag.


[Plugin:AnalyticsData property="title"]

This setting selects the display title of the content item. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.wcm.content_item.title">Display title</span> 

[Plugin:AnalyticsData property="authors" css-class="com.acme.content.authors"]

This setting selects the authors of the content item. If we use this setting and a custom CSS class, the following microformats are inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="com.acme.content.authors">Author 1</span>
<span style="display:none" class="com.acme.content.authors">Author 2</span>

[Plugin:AnalyticsData element="element1"]

This setting selects the text value of the element on the content item. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.wcm.content_item.element1">Value of element with name element1</span>

[Plugin:AnalyticsData element="element1" css-class="asa.wcm.content_item.path"]

This setting selects the text value of the element on the content item. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.wcm.content_item.path">Value of element with name element1</span>

[Plugin:AnalyticsData value="Some text" css-class="asa.wcm.content_item.title"]

This setting uses the text specified by the value attribute. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.wcm.content_item.title">Some text</span>

[Plugin:AnalyticsData css-class="asa.wcm.content_item.title" value="[Property context='current' type='content' field='title']"]

This setting passes the value of the nested [Property] tag to the plug-in. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.wcm.content_item.title">Display title from nested property tag</span>

[Plugin:AnalyticsData css-class="asa.tag.SitePromotion" value="Halloween2012"]

This setting creates a site promotion tag with the value passed to the plug-in. The following microformat is inserted in the page:
<span style="display:none" class="asa.tag.SitePromotion">Halloween2012</span>

Parent: Render plug-ins provided with Web Content Manager