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Scheduling LikeMinds Events

Use the lps.schedule setting to schedule events to be fired at specific dates and times.

The syntax for using the lps.schedule setting is as follows:

lps.schedule.<event name> = <schedule><event type><event args>


event name: Refers to a unique name for the event.

schedule: Refers to the scheduling time, in five fields separated by spaces or tabs, and are integer patterns. These fields are:

Field Values
minute 0–59
hour 0–23
day of the week 0-6, with 0 being Sunday
day of the month 1–31
month of the year 1–12

To specify all values of a particular field (for example, to schedule events every day of the week), use an asterisk (*), in the order listed in this table. For example:

When you do specify actual values, we can enter either the value itself (such as 1 to schedule an event on Monday) or a range of values (for example, 1-2 to schedule events for Monday and Tuesday). When we want to specify days, include both the day or the week field and the day of the month field. For examples of using these values, see

event type and event args: Refer to any of the following events and their arguments:

Event type Argument Description
lazyDBWrite N/A

Specifies when all the changed information since the last read is written to the database. The default setting is:

12,24,36,48,00 **** lazyDBWrite

purgeUserCache timeval

Time in seconds after permanent users have not been used before purging them from cache. If timeval is not specified, the setting from db.tune.user_cache_age_time is used.

purgeItemCache timeval

Time in seconds after items have not been used before purging them from cache. If timeval is not specified, the setting from db.tune.item_cache_age_time is used.





Refreshes all permanent user objects in cache.

Refreshes all item objects in cache.

Refreshes all engine cache.

runBuildstats verbose

Runs the buildstats utility. If verbose is specified, additional information is printed to the trace log.

runBuildvisit verbose

Runs the buildvisit utility. If verbose is specified, additional information is printed to the trace log.

runAccumulator verbose

Runs the accumulator utility. If verbose is specified, additional information is printed to the trace log.

Parent: Configure LikeMinds